I'm not making this up...
Am I the only person that finds this product to be deeply inappropriate? Is this really what we want to be teaching our impressionable youth? Do you seriously think this is all about proper dental hygiene? Look people, you have to read between the lines sometimes.
If you don't believe me, here's what the back of the box says...
"Hey everybody! Do you love Justin Bieber? Don't we all. Now you can stick him in our mouth and make him sing. Remember to keep going until he finishes....singing. When he stops, HE IS FINISHED WITH. YOU WILL LEAVE AND NEVER SPEAK OF THIS AGAIN. THE BIEBER IS ALL KNOWING AND ALL POWERFUL. ALL HAIL THE WISE AND MYSTICAL JUSTIN!"
my life is now complete
Posted by: HenryBlazer | 09/07/2011 at 07:24 PM